Saturday, August 16, 2008

Toooooele Visit

After we got back from Star Valley, Dillon and I went to Tooele to join Joe and visit Grandpa Art.

We stayed at Joe's sister Shannon's house. All of our stuff is stored in her basement and so we pulled out Dillon's wagon.

Dillon loved playing on Sage's sweet swing set.

Of course Dillon found something to climb under. This time it was Grandpa Art's camp trailer. Get him out of there!

Dillon loved sitting in Sage's high-chair. Currently we just have him sit in his bumbo chair to eat, but it looks like we will have get him the real-deal because he was all over it. Such a big boy!


Brandon and Camille Smithson said...

Marci! I love all your pictures! You and your little family have been busy. I can't believe how much Dillon looks like your dad. That's amazing. He is such a stud. You will have to get him a high chair. We use one that sits on a kitchen chair to save space. It's really nice. :o)

Sara Hollobaugh said...

Oh Marci, he is growing up so fast. I remember that wagon! Oh yes, and the gun in it at the hopital. Too funn Joe! Now he looks like he can really enjoy it! I am sure you had fun sifting through a few of your things. I hope Utah is treating you all well! Miss you tons!

The*Evans*Family said...

I recognize the wagon from the hospital! Where's his gun? His birthday is coming up quick! Maybe I can have a kid on his birthday to honor him. :)

Katie said...

Hey Joe & Marci! I found your blog through Marci & Josh's! Your little guy is pretty cute! Sorry Joe, I think he looks more like his momma's side of the family!! Dood to see your doing well! Congrats on the Law degree. That's pretty cool!