Friday, February 18, 2011

Catch-Up Time

Life with two babies

You know that you are in-over-your-head when you go to Target and your shopping cart looks like this. I've become quite the pro at arranging my purchase items on the bottom rack of a shopping cart.

Feeding time is fun, fun times at our house. It usually goes like this - Adalyn protests every bite I give Isabel, Isabel blows bubbles with her food, Isabel nearly falls out of the bumbo chair trying to look at her reflection in the glass table top and then they both cry bloody murder when you wash their faces. Like I said fun, fun times :).

These little girls are as different as you could possibly imagine. Adalyn is my little pistol and Isabel is my calm easy-going baby.

Adalyn is constantly moving. She started crawling at the beginning of January and hasn't stopped since. When you hold her on your lap be prepared to get an arm workout and get ready to stand up because you've got places to go and things to look at.

Isabel on the other hand, is not crawling yet. She could sit on the floor surrounded by toys and be content all day. She is very patient and loves to watch and laugh at her hilarious brother Dillon.
Kayla's Shower

My little sister was in town (she currently lives in Louisiana) for the week and we had a shower for her. She is having a little baby girl. If you are wondering who is pregnant in this picture it is the girl in purple. You may have a hard time determining that because she doesn't look pregnant at all.

This is Isabel and her beautiful Auntie Kelli. The babies came to the shower too. They weren't going to miss out on any girl time.