Friday, September 30, 2011

Their Favorite Things

This is a picture of Isabel after Adalyn tried to take her blanket. Watch Out! Adalyn and Isabel both love these blankets that their Auntie Shelli made for them. They carry them where ever they go around the house.

Notice something similar in the next three pictures.

Adalyn is totally obsessed with her new boots. They are fur lined inside and she loves them. She brings them to me all the time to put on her. It isn't cold enough to wear them yet, but she loves to wear them around the house. She loves her boots and buckles. She can already do up the buckles on her high-chair and is currently working on mastering her car seat buckles.

We're Here!

If you are sitting on the floor, Adalyn thinks she needs to be in your lap.

If only a picture was used to describe Dillon's personality, this would be it!

Dillon loves "his babies". In this picture he is reading her a book, but another one of their favorite activities is to wrestle. Adalyn is a feisty little girl. Notice the curls on both of these two. Isabel has straight hair and Adalyn has curls like Dillon.