Monday, December 29, 2008


We went to see the lights at Temple Square one night after Joe got home from work. Let's just say we should have just stayed home :). The lights were great, our bearcat was not. He wouldn't sit in his stroller (which he is usually pretty good about) and insisted on walking. There were tons of other people there and he was constantly getting in someone's way just begging to get ran over.

This is how most of our night was. Sweet, sweet memories. We'll just have to see how it goes next year.

For Christmas Dillon recieved the Little People Farm from Santa. Let's just say he was amazed to hear all the fun sounds that it made.

It was a hit. He played with it the whole weekend.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Dillon, Dylan & Oliver

Last week Dillon and I went to Logan to meet Oliver and Dylan. We hadn't gotten to see Jaclyn's Oliver or Joanie's Dylan yet and had a great time terrorizing Jaclyn's Mom's house :).

The Dillon/Dylan 's :)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Just lovin' Santa!

Dillon is not a shy guy and will pretty much go to anyone. However, he was not down with Santa. We were pretty surprised when he instantly freaked out when being placed on Santa's lap.

I don't think Dillon is getting anything from Santa this year :).

Such a big helper!

At the beginning of November we moved from Park City down into the Valley. We had a great time in Park City, but are excited to be where there is a little less snow (I'm still missing my Arizona winters :)). We live on a cute tree lined street, but have to deal with the "cute" leaves as well. Joe hauled away 16 bags full of leaves already, we currently have 15 bags in our back yard that need to go and I'm estimating at least another 10 bags yet to be gathered (we think that the previous resident just raked them over to the side yard to save for us). Fun, fun. Above is a video of Dillon helping me gather the leaves. Such a good helper!

Thanks Dad!

For some reason Joe thinks that it is funny to put tattoos on Dillon. This is the tattoo Dillon was sporting Thanksgiving weekend. My Mom wasn't a fan and scrubbed it off the next day :).

One day I took Dillon to Joe's office so that Joe could watch him while I went to an appointment. Joe had to work late and this is the surprise I found under Dillon's sleeve while I was changing him into his pajamas.

We're Back!

We have had quite the month and are now happy to say - we're back to blogging! Here are a few miscellaneous pictures of the past month that we missed sharing. Above is Dillon playing with Lilly. He will walk up to Lilly and try to shove the bird in her month to play fetch. He just isn't good at the throwing part yet.

One evening Lilly was chewing on a flavored plastic bone that she has. Dillon decided that it looked pretty good and took it from her and put it in his own month to chew (I wasn't in the room to freak out :)) before Joe could take it away. Yum Yum!

Dillon just hanging out on the front steps waiting to go to church and raise some _____ :). We are having good, good times at church these days. Joe has a countdown going until nursery, he gives me the update every week.

This is a picture of Dillon and I on his real birthday. We went out to Tooele and celebrated at Joe's sister's house.

Dillon trying to make a grab for his cake.