Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Future Water Boy

Last weekend we went to my nephew Daxton's football game. It was fun to watch him play and score an 80 yard touchdown. Dillon had fun hanging out with Grandpa Jim and swallowing Smarties :). However, when the football helmet went on you can see how excited he was. I guess our little bearcat would rather be the water boy.

Daxton starting out on his 80 yard run.

Daxton and my brother Kade (one of the coaches). Like father - like son.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Shutting Mommy Out!

Dillon loves to play with doors. He thinks he is pretty funny when he shuts a door on me. After he shuts the door, he will then pound on it wanting me to open it again.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


(FYI if you click on the pictures you can see bigger versions)

I got a new camera and thought it would be cool to take some pictures of Dillon at the old McPolin farm in Park City. So, with the sun glaring behind the barn and his mom glaring behind me, I tried everything I could think of to get Faty McFat-Fat to cooperate with the camera...NO DEAL! (this is his "what me???" look)

So, after Dillon started bawling his head off, almost fell out of his wagon, I almost ended up in the creek, Dillon's mom came to the "rescue." That is when I decided a change of scenery might be nice. It was...for me, but NOT for Dillon. I swear he knew what was going on, and purposely refused to look at the camera and/or stay anywhere I wanted him to be. On the bright side, if you remove the chubby toe-head from this shot--it's not bad.

Instead of what I wanted him to do, Dillon did what he wanted to do. Which apparently was crawl around aimlessly...

have a little a little "snack" by sucking on a big hunk of dried up bird pooh on this rusty old railing. Which, by the way, seemed to be the highlight of the day for Dillon)

and then to cap it all off, he tried to eat the hood on my camera lens.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Lawyer Joe!

I posted this yesterday, but Joe must have seen it and secretly deleted it (lame-o). However, I'm not going to let him win. We found out Saturday that Joe passed the Utah Bar! It seems that I am the only one, out of the two of us, that is elated. I jumped for joy - Joe just shrugged. I called all of my family - Joe just left a message on his Dad's phone. I post it on our blog - Joe deletes it. Such a party-pooper :).

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Family Hike

Joe was able to come home a little early on Monday and so we went to Big Cottonwood Canyon and went on a hike to Lake Solitude. We thought we'd help out Joe's back and strap Dillon on him in his backpack :).

Personally, I thought Lake Solitude should be called Pond Solitude, but it was a beautiful hike nonetheless. Dillon was quite concerned that I was going to be left behind and so Joe and I had to walk beside each other (on the narrow trail) to ease his worries.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

For Labor Day Weekend we went to Bear Lake again because Dillon loves to play in the sand so much. This time we were able to take our Lilly. They are both trying to sneak their way out of the picture. Dillon towards the camera (he wanted to eat it) and who knows where Lilly thought she needed to be.

Dillon is sooo the annoying little brother. He tries to follow Lilly everywhere, but Lilly is a little too fast for him and manages to avert a lot of the grabs.

Auntie Kayla was able to come with us for a while before work. Dillon and Lilly love to play with Auntie Kayla. She is always going and never boring.

Joe thought that it was his job to make sure everyone got in the water. Dillon actually liked it, but Lilly our "bird dog" hates getting in the water. Joe got the tennis ball out and managed to get her in there willingly by playing fetch.

Dillon got some new shoes (go Pedipeds! - thanks for the tip Kasey) this weekend. The reason this is a landmark event is because we have looked all summer, but haven't been able to find any. Dillon has the chubbiest feet ever and we couldn't find any that would fit :).

We stayed at my Parent's house and ate lots of treats and Dillon got a lot of attention.

Dillon just sportin another pair of new shoes. He loved playing with them and I think its a good thing we finally got them, because in another month this bearcat of mine probably wouldn't have left them on.