Friday, August 28, 2009


Since Dillon's mom is out of town, we can pretty much do whatever we want and not get in trouble. For example, we can have graham crackers and frosting for breakfast and then go fishing in the Uintas.

Unfortuneatly, when I decided to take Dillon up to the Christmas Meadows, I figured we would do some fishing and just hang out by the creek. That lasted about two and a half minutes (see pic above) and then Dillon decided he wanted to be in the creek.

This is Dillon's "I just fell in a freezing cold river and got covered in mud" face!!! The funny thing is...after a few minutes he stopped bawling and wanted to get back in?!?!

Instead, we went back to the truck to change his clothes...

Except, we didn't have any extra clothes. So instead, Dillon was rockin' his fishing diaper the rest of the day. I was pretty impressed, he figured out how to reel it in pretty fast. The hard part was getting him to leave it in the water.


Can you fix this for us?

While I was trying to fix their fishing pole, these two knuckleheads decided to get back in the creek.

They pretty much spent the rest of the day throwing rocks.

And Mud.

Since mom's not there to stop us, why not cap off a good day fishing with an ice cold dewski and Cheetos? By the way, for those of you looking closely...yes that is blood coming out of his right eye. Don't ask!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Weekend Fun

Dillon would consider playing in a vehicle "big-time excitement". He loves, loves to play in vehicles. There are so many buttons to push and pretend driving to do. My Dad's truck is his personal favorite.

Dillon is also getting to be quite the little cowboy. Papa is teaching him early and well to "hold on to the saddle horn".

Contrary to his facial expressions, Dillon actually quite likes to ride Papa's horses.

We went to Bear Lake with my family and despite it being a little cold and Dillon not having a nap, he did pretty well.

Of course, I had to throw in a picture of Joe showing the kids his dazzling hand-walking skills. They were totally impressed :).

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Wyoming Trip

Dillon and I spent a couple of days this week in Star Valley, WY at my friend Shalee's Parent's (Ron & Gail )house. We had a great time hanging out with Shalee, Kelsie and their kids.

This was the first time that I got to see Shalee's little Tatum and she was such a fun beautiful little girl.

Dillon had a great time playing with Tatum, Mason, Kinley and Taylee.

I tried to get some good shots of Dillon and Tatum, but they preferred to just look at each other instead of the camera.

I tried to get Dillon to give Tatum a kiss on the cheek, but he decided to give her one on her back instead :). I love this picture of Tatum. Isn't she such a sweetie!