Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas in California!

We decided to do something different for Christmas this year. We decided a non-cold-snow Christmas on the central coast of California was in order. We spent Christmas at my sister Monica's house with her family, my Dad and brother Todd. We started our action-packed Christmas Holiday stay at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Dillon and Joe loved checking out the starfish (which you are not supposed to take out of the water).

Dillon-the-seahorse loved just about everything at the aquarium.

It's a good thing that we went to the water play area last. As soon as Dillon started playing there, he didn't want to go anywhere else. Even the penguins next door couldn't draw any interest.

After the aquarium we went to the Dennis the Menace Park (which was awesome) and ate lunch. Joe wanted a picture of our "Dennis" with the statue of Dennis. However, Dillon wasn't really down with that.

The day after Christmas we went to the Monarch butterfly grove and the beach. Joe started climbing trees at the beach and of course all of the kids joined in that activity.

Dillon was all about climbing the trees with Dad.

He just couldn't understand why he couldn't keep going higher and higher.

It was a cold day for the beach, but Dillon had fun running up and down the shore line.

After the beach we all went to Solvang (a Dutch inspired town) and ate all the pastries we could find. We had a great time in California and didn't miss the snow a bit :).