Saturday, April 25, 2009


We think Dillon is a fan of Easter. He seemed quite pleased with what the Easter Bunny brought him.

Unfortunately, his bubble tiger was defective, but the plastic eggs filled with Fruitloops saved the day.

We didn't give Dillon any credit this year on Easter. We didn't really think he'd get it. However, to our surprise he was all over looking for eggs and had a great time eating all the candy inside.

Dillon's Sweet New/Old Ride

Dillon has a new way of riding his little car. It consists of Joe and a rope and Joe using that rope to pull Dillon around. Sweet ride!

Feeding a Bearcat

Some of you may wonder what it is like to feed a Bearcat. Well, it's not easy. Sometimes you get food on the floor and walls. Sometimes the Bearcat sneaks food to his trusty side-kick Lilly.

Sometimes the Bearcat even gets yogurt in his goldie-locks. No, it is not easy to feed a Bearcat like Dillon.