Monday, December 29, 2008


We went to see the lights at Temple Square one night after Joe got home from work. Let's just say we should have just stayed home :). The lights were great, our bearcat was not. He wouldn't sit in his stroller (which he is usually pretty good about) and insisted on walking. There were tons of other people there and he was constantly getting in someone's way just begging to get ran over.

This is how most of our night was. Sweet, sweet memories. We'll just have to see how it goes next year.

For Christmas Dillon recieved the Little People Farm from Santa. Let's just say he was amazed to hear all the fun sounds that it made.

It was a hit. He played with it the whole weekend.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Dillon, Dylan & Oliver

Last week Dillon and I went to Logan to meet Oliver and Dylan. We hadn't gotten to see Jaclyn's Oliver or Joanie's Dylan yet and had a great time terrorizing Jaclyn's Mom's house :).

The Dillon/Dylan 's :)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Just lovin' Santa!

Dillon is not a shy guy and will pretty much go to anyone. However, he was not down with Santa. We were pretty surprised when he instantly freaked out when being placed on Santa's lap.

I don't think Dillon is getting anything from Santa this year :).

Such a big helper!

At the beginning of November we moved from Park City down into the Valley. We had a great time in Park City, but are excited to be where there is a little less snow (I'm still missing my Arizona winters :)). We live on a cute tree lined street, but have to deal with the "cute" leaves as well. Joe hauled away 16 bags full of leaves already, we currently have 15 bags in our back yard that need to go and I'm estimating at least another 10 bags yet to be gathered (we think that the previous resident just raked them over to the side yard to save for us). Fun, fun. Above is a video of Dillon helping me gather the leaves. Such a good helper!

Thanks Dad!

For some reason Joe thinks that it is funny to put tattoos on Dillon. This is the tattoo Dillon was sporting Thanksgiving weekend. My Mom wasn't a fan and scrubbed it off the next day :).

One day I took Dillon to Joe's office so that Joe could watch him while I went to an appointment. Joe had to work late and this is the surprise I found under Dillon's sleeve while I was changing him into his pajamas.

We're Back!

We have had quite the month and are now happy to say - we're back to blogging! Here are a few miscellaneous pictures of the past month that we missed sharing. Above is Dillon playing with Lilly. He will walk up to Lilly and try to shove the bird in her month to play fetch. He just isn't good at the throwing part yet.

One evening Lilly was chewing on a flavored plastic bone that she has. Dillon decided that it looked pretty good and took it from her and put it in his own month to chew (I wasn't in the room to freak out :)) before Joe could take it away. Yum Yum!

Dillon just hanging out on the front steps waiting to go to church and raise some _____ :). We are having good, good times at church these days. Joe has a countdown going until nursery, he gives me the update every week.

This is a picture of Dillon and I on his real birthday. We went out to Tooele and celebrated at Joe's sister's house.

Dillon trying to make a grab for his cake.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Mighty Hunter

Here is our "mighty hunter" Dillon and his "deer" Lilly. Dillon thought Halloween was great and loved strolling around in his wagon going door-to-door with his cousins.

We had a small pre-birthday party with my family on Halloween for Dillon. He was a little confused when we were all looking at him and singing "Happy Birthday".

Let's just say he wasn't very into his cake, but was definitely into his new truck.

Here are a few pictures, that Joe took, of Dillon on our walk a couple of weeks ago.

We can't believe that our bearcat is 1.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Really, really done

Yesterday, we went to the Utah State Bar Admission Ceremony at the Salt Palace where Joe (along with 200 + other lawyers) was sworn in as a lawyer. After law school was done I was relieved, for Joe, that it was over with, but then there was the bar test to take. After the bar test was over, we waited for results and when we got them I was excited because I felt like then we were done. However, yesterday we were really, really done and official.

My parents were able to come down for it and were a great help keeping track of a little bearcat.

We are excited to be onto the next phase of the crazy McAllister adventure.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Bearcat is off... on 2 feet!

Joe and I have been trying to make Dillon practice walking for about a month. However, he would get annoyed with us and just go back to holding onto something to walk, or crawling. On Saturday we were shopping at Dick's Sporting Goods and apparently Dillon had some merchandise he needed to check out because he started walking all over the store.

Now he's our little 11 1/2 month old walking Bearcat!

Little Haunts - This Is the Place Heritage Park

On Friday, we went to Little Haunts and trick-or-treated around the village. The kids were supposed to wear their costumes and this is 1/2 of Dillon's hunter costume (Joe's choice). Dillon loved looking at the farm animals.

Dillon was fascinated by the goats, but wasn't sure whether he wanted to touch one.

We went with our niece Sage (Shannon's daughter), our nephew Ian (Marty's son) and our sister-in-law Brenna. As you can see pumpkin head (Ian) and Sage had a great time. However, Ian wasn't a fan of the "farm" smell and walked around holding his nose.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Crazy McAllister Kidders!

Joe's twin Marty and his family (Mom Brenna, Ian and baby on-the-way) came to visit from Albuquerque. We were all at Joe's sister Shannon's house, in Tooele, and let's just say the kids had a fun-filled weekend of being crazy :).

Here I am with Ian Sr. and Ian Jr. Joe and his twin are so dark (along with their whole family) that it amazes us all how blonde these boys came.

We decorated Halloween cookies, and then Joe and Marty took Aspen and Ian to go BOO some friends. For those that don't know the basics of "You've been Booed", you take treats to a family friend's house (at night), ring the door bell and run. The Booed family is then supposed to Boo and take treats to 2 other families. Well, I thought that rambunctious Ian (4 1/2 years old) would love it - but was I wrong. The entire time he kept telling Joe and Marty "Guys this is not a good idea" "Guys we shouldn't be doing this" "We are going to get in trouble" " They are going to come after us" "They are going to call the police on us". Marty said that he had never seen Ian run faster than when he ran back to the car. When Ian did get back to the car and they started to take off, he was upset and yelled "Guys I don't even have my seat belt on!" I don't think that we need to worry about little Ian getting into any big trouble. Fun times for all :)!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Nice Comfy Pillow!

"What? What's mine is mine and what's Lilly's is mine."

Dillon loves to lay on our bed, bury his face in our pillows and just "relax". Well he decided that Lilly's dog bed was pretty comfy too and decided to "relax" with Lilly. As you can tell, Lilly was really excited about it. At first Dillon tried to just lay his head on the bolster part, but his head kept rolling off and hitting the wall and so he thought he'd better take up a more substantial position. "Nice comfy pillow!"

Friday, October 3, 2008

When the Bearcat gets sick!

Our life pretty much comes to a halt when the Bearcat gets sick. We have had a really slow low-key week. Last Sunday, we took Dillon into the doctor and they said he had an ear infection (he was inconsolable). On Tuesday, he developed a rash (he was miserable) from the antibiotic they gave him and so they had to switch it. Today he is starting to feel better and is back to my happy all-over-the-place baby. However, most of the week was spent laying around burying his face in his blanket (as in the above picture).

Today, Dillon is feeling much better and even felt up to helping me pack for a visit to Grandma and Grandpa's house this weekend.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Future Water Boy

Last weekend we went to my nephew Daxton's football game. It was fun to watch him play and score an 80 yard touchdown. Dillon had fun hanging out with Grandpa Jim and swallowing Smarties :). However, when the football helmet went on you can see how excited he was. I guess our little bearcat would rather be the water boy.

Daxton starting out on his 80 yard run.

Daxton and my brother Kade (one of the coaches). Like father - like son.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Shutting Mommy Out!

Dillon loves to play with doors. He thinks he is pretty funny when he shuts a door on me. After he shuts the door, he will then pound on it wanting me to open it again.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


(FYI if you click on the pictures you can see bigger versions)

I got a new camera and thought it would be cool to take some pictures of Dillon at the old McPolin farm in Park City. So, with the sun glaring behind the barn and his mom glaring behind me, I tried everything I could think of to get Faty McFat-Fat to cooperate with the camera...NO DEAL! (this is his "what me???" look)

So, after Dillon started bawling his head off, almost fell out of his wagon, I almost ended up in the creek, Dillon's mom came to the "rescue." That is when I decided a change of scenery might be nice. It was...for me, but NOT for Dillon. I swear he knew what was going on, and purposely refused to look at the camera and/or stay anywhere I wanted him to be. On the bright side, if you remove the chubby toe-head from this shot--it's not bad.

Instead of what I wanted him to do, Dillon did what he wanted to do. Which apparently was crawl around aimlessly...

have a little a little "snack" by sucking on a big hunk of dried up bird pooh on this rusty old railing. Which, by the way, seemed to be the highlight of the day for Dillon)

and then to cap it all off, he tried to eat the hood on my camera lens.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Lawyer Joe!

I posted this yesterday, but Joe must have seen it and secretly deleted it (lame-o). However, I'm not going to let him win. We found out Saturday that Joe passed the Utah Bar! It seems that I am the only one, out of the two of us, that is elated. I jumped for joy - Joe just shrugged. I called all of my family - Joe just left a message on his Dad's phone. I post it on our blog - Joe deletes it. Such a party-pooper :).

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Family Hike

Joe was able to come home a little early on Monday and so we went to Big Cottonwood Canyon and went on a hike to Lake Solitude. We thought we'd help out Joe's back and strap Dillon on him in his backpack :).

Personally, I thought Lake Solitude should be called Pond Solitude, but it was a beautiful hike nonetheless. Dillon was quite concerned that I was going to be left behind and so Joe and I had to walk beside each other (on the narrow trail) to ease his worries.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

For Labor Day Weekend we went to Bear Lake again because Dillon loves to play in the sand so much. This time we were able to take our Lilly. They are both trying to sneak their way out of the picture. Dillon towards the camera (he wanted to eat it) and who knows where Lilly thought she needed to be.

Dillon is sooo the annoying little brother. He tries to follow Lilly everywhere, but Lilly is a little too fast for him and manages to avert a lot of the grabs.

Auntie Kayla was able to come with us for a while before work. Dillon and Lilly love to play with Auntie Kayla. She is always going and never boring.

Joe thought that it was his job to make sure everyone got in the water. Dillon actually liked it, but Lilly our "bird dog" hates getting in the water. Joe got the tennis ball out and managed to get her in there willingly by playing fetch.

Dillon got some new shoes (go Pedipeds! - thanks for the tip Kasey) this weekend. The reason this is a landmark event is because we have looked all summer, but haven't been able to find any. Dillon has the chubbiest feet ever and we couldn't find any that would fit :).

We stayed at my Parent's house and ate lots of treats and Dillon got a lot of attention.

Dillon just sportin another pair of new shoes. He loved playing with them and I think its a good thing we finally got them, because in another month this bearcat of mine probably wouldn't have left them on.