Saturday, July 26, 2008

We had the annual (for now) Kennington Family Fun Fest this past weekend. And, as you might imagine, the team had a great time.

The highlight for Dillon, as you can see, was riding the zip line!!! Check out the "cankles" on that kid...sweet.

After the majority of the family was released from the Family Fun Fest, and the men folk were sent back to work, Marci and her sisters spent the week galivanting around with the kids. One of the days, they went to Bear Lake to swim and according to Marci, Dillon loves chillin' at the beach. Of course he did, it gives him a chance to show off that physique.

Here's Fatty McFat-Fat rockin' his sun hat and showing of his S.W.U.B. (soft white under belly) at the lake. I think he is smiling because he can't figure out why his clean freak mom is letting him sit in the dirt. That, and the fact he is built like a snowman, but he doesn't melt in the sun.

Dillon seems to always end up under things. Maybe it's because he doesn't have a neck, or maybe it's his rolly-polly physique, but the knuckle head seems to get trapped under things constantly.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Strawberry Reservoir - 4th of July Weekend

We went to Strawberry Reservoir Saturday and hung out with Joe's sister Shannon and her family. Joe went fishing and Dillon and I hung out and relaxed.

Dillon loved watching his cousin Sage. He is now pulling himself up on everything and thought he was pretty cool stuff when he figured out how to stand up in the pack'n play.

Dillon is gearing up to be his Dad's fishing buddy.

4th of July

Dillon turned 8 months old on the 4th of July. Party!

He started the day out studying with Joe (he was a big help) and then went on a walk with me around the Park City Park and around Main Street. We missed out on the parade because it was nap time. However, we did end up making festive trip to the Outlets and got a little shopping done :).

That night, we woke Dillon up and went outside into our parking lot and watched the fireworks (they were right in front of us). I was worried that Dillon would be scared, but he liked them and liked playing in the trunk even more.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Two Knuckle-heads.... Sr. & Jr.

My little couch-potatoes. Just kidding, I had to snatch this picture because it is the first time in weeks that Joe hasn't either been working or studying. Dillon got to just relax (stick out that belly) and hang out with his Dad while catching up on a little TV time :).

Dillon likes big, high pushes on the swings, none of those wimpy pushes his Mom gives him. His Dad is his new favorite swing buddy.

Okay, so we are the mean parents that had to take a picture of Dillon (crying) stuck under his activity center before we rescued him. Too funny.