Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hello Everyone!

Joe started this blog for me a year ago, and today I decided that I might want to put something on it(surprise Lynsey). I'm new to this whole blog thing and so this blog is definitely a work in progress.

If anyone is wondering why it is titled "Peggy's Revenge" it is for Joe's mom Peggy. She passed away 5 years ago, but had always told Joe that her revenge was going to be that "you have a little boy as crazy as you were". Joe created this blog for me when we found out we were having Dillon.

Update - During our 6 years of marriage, Joe and I have been fortunate enough to do some traveling and have had some great adventures. However, we have just had our greatest adventure of all, Dillon. Dillon is our 6 month old baby and we are crazy about him.

We have just moved back to Utah from Arizona. We are still waiting to sell our house in Arizona and are staying at a condo in Park City. We would like to buy a house in Salt Lake, (closer to Joe's work) but we are in a holding pattern until our house sells.

We loved Arizona, (missing the weather - it is snowing in Park City right now) Joe went to law school at ASU and I worked at a civil engineering firm as an office manager. In December, Joe received a great job offer, at a construction law firm in downtown Salt Lake called Bostwick & Price, and so we decided to move back to Utah. I am now a stay-at-home mom and love hanging out with Dillon.

Dillon is 6 months old now and is a very good happy baby. He has mad rolling skills and is starting to get up on his hands and knees, but no crawling yet.