Monday, June 15, 2009

Panguitch Lake

We spent the weekend at Panguitch Lake with Joe's sister Shannon's family and Joe's twin Marty's family. Dillon had a great time learning new skills from Aspen and Ian.

Dillon had a great time playing with his cousins Ian and Sage. A second before this picture was taken Dillon was on top of Ian terrorizing him. After I got out the camera, I got the "I'm not doing anything" look.

We attempted to get a picture of the little rascals together.
This is the best we got. Quinn, Dillon, Sage and Ian.

Most of the photo shoot went like this. Notice Dillon trying to kick the camera. What an angel.

I don't know if Dillon is ready for a sibling any time soon. Look at his response to cute little Quinn. "What is this baby doing on me!"

Dillon wanted to carry his blanket around in the dirt. This was Joe's solution. Here is my jedi with his camo blanket cape and his water toy sword.


Anonymous said...
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Sara Hollobaugh said...

FUN!!! Looks like he loves his cousins!

Brandon and Camille Smithson said...

What a fun trip!!! It looks like you guys had a blast. I'm loving that picture of Dillon with Quinn. Hilarious!

Heidi Hillman said...

Hey guys!

I need to get your mailing address so we can invite you to our celebration after Ethan's sealing. Would you email it to me at
