Saturday, June 27, 2009

Dillon and Carson

My nephew Carson is staying with us for a couple of weeks, and Dillon is loving having a buddy to play with. We went to the frog exhibit at the Utah Museum of Natural History and both Carson and Dillon had a fun time checking them out.

Carson and his pet frog :). Carson's favorite frogs were black with orange strips.

Dillon has been using a spoon (that he mostly plays with), along with the one I use to feed him, for a couple of months. Today I fed him cereal (we usually have toast or pancakes) and he ate the whole bowl by myself. I guess I just think of him as a baby and think that he still needs me to help him. However, it looks like Dillon and the Cheerios are doing just fine without me. - You've got to love the bed-head :).


The*Evans*Family said...

His hair is great! Wow. I love it. So fun that you have Carson staying with you! Is here there just for fun?

Sara Hollobaugh said...

I do love the bed head. But Payten's is worse after a day before of pigtails and then sleeping on it. Dillon is cute as ever! They grow up to fast. I am glad he gets to have his cousin come and play for a while!